Latest Episodes

Ringing Bells - Trailer
Bzzzzzzz! Bzzzzzzz! Bzzzzzzz! All these damn alarms. Our crew finds them whenever they set their sights on something that's not for them, but what's...

Smash and Grab
In a hypercapitalist system, long, long away, a newly (dis)organized trio obtains intel on a startup manufacturing a teleportation device. Even though galactic war...

Random Ghost
Time crystal sugar, Anti-Boson spice, and anything universally nice. A mixture of quantum states and nanoparticles created something all scientists desire - a magnum...

What's Past is Present
Watson sets up a meeting with an old friend for an arms deal - but lo' and behold, he doesn't have them. However, with...

A Midnight Jam
After their first heist with their newest crew member goes successfully, the team learns of a faraway attack on a cruiser ship. Usually, they...

A Captain Constructed of Chemicals
The crew's forced to split up to save Alice from a grizzly, acidic death in a remote planet and break Peter out of jail...